Electric Vehicle Consumer & Dealer Educational Videos
The Sacramento Area Regional Technology Association (SARTA) along with SacEV, SMUD, and local dealerships, have created a series of short promotional videos showcasing the benefits of owning an electric vehicle as well as an educational video targeted to car dealership sales team members. The electric vehicle training programs can enhance the EV shopping experience for customers and shorten the learning curve for salespersons new to EVs.
These courses may be updated to meet the needs of individual brands and dealerships, as well as the needs of special events. The dealer training is offered as a 5 part, 24 minute webcast, or may be a modified slide set with an in-house presenter (please view samples below). The master PowerPoint slides are available, along with PDF versions and video clips. If you would like a SacEV member to deliver the course, please contact info@SacEV.org.
More information, PowerPoints, and Videos are on SacEV's Google Drive...
SacEV YouTube Channel
Favorite EV videos, Public Service Announcements, and commercials are HERE...