Meet PEV Owners & Attend EVents
Sacramento Electric Vehicle Association
Join the Sacramento EV group. We have a mailing list keeping you up-to-date on meetings and events. Our full membership meetings are scheduled for the evening of the second Wednesday in odd number months. On even number months we have weekend excursions, factory visits, special events.
March 2017 Plug-in Vehicle owner's stories. Learn how current owners made their decisions to go electric, their excitement, suggestions, electric vacations, and stumbling blocks in the transition.
NorCal/Reno Tesla Owners Group
Have a Tesla or interested in buying one in the future? Join our regional Tesla owners group, the NorCal/Reno Tesla Owners Club. Enjoy monthly trips, social activities, and regular news postings.
UC Davis Electric Vehicle Group -- DEVA
If you're in the Davis area, and especially if you are connected to UC Davis, join DEVA, sponsored in conjunction with SacEV and Cool Davis.
Check these sites for national or regional user groups for your model EV. Tesla is listed separately. Click HERE for Tesla forums.
Attend Regional EV Events. Join SacEV at some of our regional EVents. Find them on the SacEV calendar.