SacEV is dependent on our volunteers for our success. We count on our members to volunteer at events to share their personal EV experience with the public. Nothing is more convincing than these kinds of testimonials.
The time commitment isn't much, and the payoff is rewarding. In addition to helping increase EV adoption, our volunteers end up learning more about EVs, enaging interesting people, improving the EV infrastructure, and more.
Some examples:
California Auto Museum is planning to construct a completely new building. We want to work with them to ensure they include history and education activities about electric cars, and provide charging infrastructure for visitors. Join the team.
Workplace Charging - We are just beginning an initiative with our partners to improve workplace charging. We'll address this through events, business benefits, and solution summaries. Not only is the interest there from employees, but there are several state and national efforts to address this. Help us make the region a premier location for employers who support EVs, assisting them to work in concert with their employee, partner and customer bases.
Web Portals. We use the services of a volunteer Webmaster to help keep our websites current. Our website, LinkedIn presence, FaceBook, Twitter, and calendar are not only SacEV resources, but regional resources for the EV community. We need to share with the community our many upcoming events and publicize them after they are held.
Communication. With every event, we need to strengthen our public communications and social media interactions. If you’re a Twitter or Facebook fan, or you are active in other social media, be our leader and help us let the region know about our great work.
Program Planning. Our meetings are on the 2nd Wednesday of odd-numbered months. We need top notch programs with interesting speakers and topics. The EV world and its partners (utilities, grid, solar, etc.) have so much going on, that each and every meeting should be a hit.
Photography. We need a skilled photographer to digitally capture and share our events and accomplishments. If you have the interest and skills, you can share what we do with the world.
Fundraising. If you have a passion to help find donors and sponsors, you can kick our program up to the next level. Signs, recognitions, event material, etc. can always benefit from improvement.
New Ideas. Bring them forward and let’s make something happen.