EVSE Home Charger Recommended Installers
SacEV is only listing these installers based on satisfactory installations reported to us by multiple SacEV members. SacEV does not endorse any of these installers or accept any risk. Please use your caution when considering installers not on this list.
Phil Haupt Electric (Phil Haupt)
5098 Foothills Blvd. Suite 3-358
Roseville, CA 95747
916-782-3128 Office
916-782-3630 Fax
CSLB Lic. # 1026340
email: info (at) philhauptelectric.com
Clipper Creek
Recommended Installers
ClipperCreek stations are so easy to install, any electrician can do it. However, we’ve created a list of electricians in your area that have experience installing charging stations. Leave your feedback on the work that you had performed.
Connected Technology (Bill Horbaly)
Residential EV Charger Install Estimate
Rocklin, CA 95765
(916) 824-1800 |
CSLB Lic. # 996560
email: office (at) connected-technology.com
Tesla Recommended Installers
Each electrician listed here has been trained to install Tesla charging equipment and adhere to strict quality, permitting and inspection requirements.